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Web Design Accessibility Standards compliance

Every page on this website conforms to Level-AA of the W3C Web content accessibility guidelines meeting all Priority 1 and 2 guidelines. All pages on this website validate as XHTML 1.0 Transitional. For more information on making your web design accessible see the W3C website.

Web Design Accessibility & Visual Design

All pages on this website use CSS for layout.

Only relative font sizes are used on this website. This means that you can resize the text in visual browsers to suit your personal preference.

If CSS is not supported by your browser, the content of this site is still readable.

Making Links Accessible

All links on this website use the “title” attribute, offering more detail about the function or destination of each link.



Making Images Accessible

Where images are used to display information on this website, a text alternative is supplied using the “alt” or “longdesc” attributes. This provides users of non-visual browsers with an explanation of the significance of each image.

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